No. 2 (2004)

					View No. 2 (2004)

Baida J.I. Computation of external magnetic field produced by complete distributive device pp.5-7
Bezprozvannykh A.V., Ignatenko A.G. Optimization of a construction of network cables on a attenuation coefficient in zone of tolerances of geometric sizes of parameters of transmission pp.8-10
Verkhola A.V. Prospects of special current transformer using for wear compensation in the synchronous vacuum contactor pp.11-13
Grajvoronsky V.A., Panachevny B.I., Stepanova G.A., Jakovlev A.I. Non-collector DC motor p.14
Zhornyak L.B. Computation of heating time in complete distributive device at its accelerated test regimes on the base of experimental and theoretical temperatures pp.15-17
Kozlov V.V. Modeling of heat processes in power transformers disk windings by the Finite element method pp.18-21
Lebedev V.A. Problems of welding in magnetic fields pp.22-25
Lupikov V.S., Sereda A.G., Erisov A.V., Krjukova N.V., Geljarovskaja O.A. Analysis of typical errors in designing of transformers with low levels of their external magnetic field pp.26-33
Lyubimova L. A. Structural synthesis and research of the inductive-dynamic motor with non-conventional form of active elements pp.34-37
Pentegov I.V., Rymar S.V. Features of leakage inductances computations in transformers with heightened magnetic dispersion fluxes pp.38-45
Soskov А.G., Alaev P.N., Soskova I.A. Superfast contactless disconnecting switches on completely controlled power solid state devices pp.46-50
Tereshin V.N., Bogdanova L.E. Some aspects of protection efficiency rising in the low-voltage electrical equipment pp.51-53
Khudyaev A.A., Chebitko A.E., Antonenko N.S. Iterative type of two-motor progressive final-control device for higher precision electric drives pp.54-60
Chaban V.I. Combined algorithm for analyzing of established processes in electrical devices pp.61-63
Shumilov Ju.A. State of problem of vibration and acoustic researches of electric machines in the world pp.64-65
Chuvashev V.A., Moukhametchine N.A., Gabdrakhmanov Ch. Explosion-proof induction motor with anisotropic copper bars conductivity of its die-casting rotor pp.66-69
Baranov M.I., Ignatenko N.N., Kolobovsky A.K. Experimental-analytical determination of the electro thermal destruction specific energy in copper wires under action of great impulse currents pp.70-73
Baranov M.I. Thermal field penetration inside the massive AC conductor pp.74-79
Batygin Yu.V., Lavinsky V.I., Khimenko L.T. The physical bases of the magnetic fields energy technological applications for the thin-walled metal working pp.80-84
Voronovsky G.K., Zolotuhin L.A. Approach to the decision of heat supplying prognostication task in a town on the basis of Data mining technology pp.85-88
Hvorost N.V., Chumak V.A., Panasenko N.N. Comparative estimation of switched completes of two- and three-phase tractive asynchronous electric drives pp.89-94
Latynin Yu.M., Milykh V.I. Analysis of State Electric Machine Standards pp.95-101

Published: 2021-11-22