Peer Review
The type of peer review accepted in the Journal "Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics" is double-blind peer review.
The organization of the peer review process of the submitted manuscripts before publication is carried out by the Deputy Editors-in-Chiefs:
- Prof. Korytchenko K.V., prof. Bolyukh V.F., sections of the Journal:
- High Electric and Magnetic Field Engineering, Engineering Electrophysics
- Electrical Machines and Apparatus
- Power Electronics
- Electrical Insulation and Cable Engineering
- Prof. Rozov V.Yu., sections of the Journal:
- Theoretical Electrical Engineering
- Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems
- Power Stations, Grids and Systems
who are responsible for the quality of manuscripts accepted for publication and their compliance with the requirements of the Editorial Board according to the assigned sections of the Journal.
Members of the Editorial Board, leading researchers of NTU "KhPI", IEMS of NAS of Ukraine and other research institutions from Ukraine and abroad in the relevant scientific areas that correspond to the sections of the Journal are involved as Reviewers.
After about 4-6 weeks, the Reviewer's comments and remarks in the form of a report are sent to the author of the manuscript, along with recommendations for possible editing and revision of the manuscript.
If the Author does not respond to the reviewer's remarks within 3 months, the article is withdrawn from consideration by the decision of the Editorial Board.
The Reviewer’s Report can be downloaded at the link (Reviewer’s Report).
The review should have the following conclusions:
1. The article is recommended for publication as presented.
2. The article may be recommended for publication after the comments have been removed.
3. Significant revision of the article is required.
4. The article is not recommended for publication.
In the case of a negative review, the editors decide to reject the article or send it for additional review.
The editorial board's decision to reject the article is final.
The editorial board does not correspond with the authors of rejected articles.
Decisions on the possibility of publishing current issues of the Journal are made by the Academic Council of NTU "KhPI" and IEMS of NAS of Ukraine after their consideration at the relevant meetings with the preparation of the meeting minutes.