Preliminary review of articles
All manuscripts sent to the journal editorial office undergo preliminary examination for their compliance with the journal's topic and the editorial office's basic requirements for manuscripts, as well as to determine the journal section to which the manuscript corresponds.
Manuscripts are checked for plagiarism. If more than 20% of borrowed text (including self-plagiarism) is detected, the manuscript is returned to the Authors with the possibility of resubmitting after correction.
In case of positive results of the review, the manuscript is sent to the deputy editor-in-chief responsible for the specified journal section, to organize its review.
In case of inconsistency of the topic of the manuscript with the journal's topic, and (or) inconsistency of the manuscript with the basic requirements, the editorial office makes a decision on its rejection, which is sent to the Authors.
The editorial office's decision on the rejection of the manuscript is final.
The editorial office does not correspond with the Authors of rejected manuscripts.