For Authors

Requirements for article submission
An article submission executed via site using OJS (online submission). If you have technical problems with article download you can send it via email (
An article submission should contain the following documents:

1) Declaration Letter with information about authors (download Declaration Letter).

2) Article file (please use the following template for writing your paper - download Template in DOC format).

Requirements for articles
Materials of articles are considered by the Editorial Board based on their compliance with the following requirements of the Journal:
1. Correspondence of the article to the topic of the Journal and one of the following scientific directions (Sections) of the Journal:
     - Theoretical Electrical Engineering
     - High Electric and Magnetic Field Engineering, Engineering Electrophysics
     - Electrical Machines and Apparatus
     - Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems
     - Industrial Electronics
     - Electrical Insulation and Cable Engineering
     - Power Stations, Grids and Systems
2. The originality of the article, the presence of scientific novelty, practical significance.
3. Correspondence of the article's title to its content.
4. Compliance of the article structure with standard requirements:
    4.1. Problem definition and substantiation of its relevance;
    4.2. Review of recent publications on the topic with the selection of unsolved tasks (problems);
    4.3. Formulation of the purpose of the paper;
    4.4. Presentation of the original material of the article;
    4.5. Conclusions (recommendations) and prospects for further development in this direction.
5. The validity of the presented original material and conclusions, including the validity of achieving the purpose of the article.
6. Adequacy of the abstract with the materials of the paper and its informativeness.

Languages of articles are English, and Ukrainian (in this case necessarily all articles are translated in English by Journal's Editorial Board). 

The volume of the article should be not less than 4 and not more than 15 pages.

The article structure must contain the following items:
a Title of the article; a list of Authors with positions, academic ranks and affiliations; an Abstract (250-300 words, 800-1000 characters, and should include such sections as: Introduction, Problem, Goal, Methodology, Results, Originality, Practical value); Key words (4-8 words or collocations).
Approximate sections of the article: Introduction; Problem statement; Review of the literature; Materials and methods; Experiments; Results; Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; Appendices (if necessary); References (15-60 sources, very important - 80% of References should be publications with DOI for the last 2-5 years in leading world journals from Scopus and Web of Science on the topic of the article; the percentage of self-citation is no more than 20%; percentage of references to journal publications over the past 3 years of the total number of References in the article is no more than 20%. References style - IEEE).
All formulas should be in Microsoft Equation.
All symbols should be described after the corresponding formula.
Authors should use IEC 60027-1:1992. Letters symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 1: General ( for designing manuscript.
Articles that do not meet these requirements will not be considered.

Support of printing costs - editor does not require fee or charges for the paper. But our journal is not supported by government or any other organization. Only incomes from subscription or sale enable to publish our journal. Unfortunately sale incomes can not cover cost of publishing completely. To publish all papers we have to demand from the authors the declaration that they cover cost of printing. We established that these cost are as follows: 15 Euro for one page A4 format. In return for payment all papers are available in Open Access Mode.