Numerical modeling of coupled electromagnetic and thermal processes in the zone induction heating system for metal billets




zone heating, numerical model, inductor, temperature field, finite element method, metal billet, electrical conductivity


Introduction. For many modern manufacturing processes, induction heating provides an attractive combination of speed, consistency and control. Multi-inductor (zone) systems with continuous billets feed are the most promising, which keep the billet cross sectional average temperature equal. It allows to avoid overheating at low throughputs and reduces the number of rejected billets. Problem. With zone induction heating systems for metal billets developing it is necessary, at the design stage, to perform a quantitative analysis of the main characteristics of the electrothermal process and provide recommendations for optimal parameters and heating modes selections. Accurate calculations for induction heating systems involve considering the distribution of the magnetic field, current density, and changes of material properties throughout volume of the heated billet. The goal of the work is to develop the numerical model and analyze the coupled electromagnetic and thermal processes in zone induction heating system for metal billets to determine the optimal power ratio of the inductors and choose rational heating modes for the billets. Methodology. The spatiotemporal distribution of the electromagnetic field and temperature throughout the volume of the billet during the induction heating process is described by the system of Maxwell and Fourier equations. For numerical calculations by the finite element method, the COMSOL Multiphysics 6.1 software package was used. All three methods of heat transfer are taken into account – conduction, convection, and radiation. Multiphysics couplings use electromagnetic power dissipation as a heat sources, and the billet material properties are specified by temperature functions. The operation of the inductors’ coils is modeled using the «Multi-Turn Coil» function, which uses a homogenized model. The translational motion of the billet is modeled by using the «Translational Motion» function. Results. The numerical 3D-model of coupled electromagnetic and thermal processes in the zone induction heating system for metal billets has been developed. Modeling was carried out for the design of a four-inductor system with the nominal capacity of 5000 kg/h. Data on the spatial distribution of the electromagnetic and temperature fields in the moving heated steel billet were obtained. Originality. Three-dimensional graphs of electrical conductivity and relative magnetic permeability change inside the moving heated steel billet are presented. Results of the temperature distribution calculations along the length of the steel billet for different inductors power ratios are provided. It is shown how the change in the power distribution of the inductors affects the billet heating parameters. Practical value. Analysis of the obtained data allows to determinate the necessary inductors powers to ensure the required heating mode. The results make it possible to reduce the time and resources required for the development, optimization of the design and improvement of the technological process of zone induction heating for metal billets. References 20, table 1, figures 13.

Author Biographies

V. Yu. Grytsiuk, University of South-Eastern Norway


M. A. M. Yassin, University of South-Eastern Norway

Senior Engineer


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How to Cite

Grytsiuk, V. Y., & Yassin, M. A. M. (2025). Numerical modeling of coupled electromagnetic and thermal processes in the zone induction heating system for metal billets. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (2), 59–68.



High Electric and Magnetic Field Engineering, Engineering Electrophysics