Efficiency of multi-armature linear pulse electromechanical power and speed converters





linear pulsed electromechanical converter, multi-armature configuration, continuous electrically conductive armature, coil armature, ferromagnetic armature, efficiency criterion, experimental studies


Introduction. High-speed linear pulse electromechanical converters (LPEC) provide acceleration of the executive element in a short active section to high speed with significant displacement, while power-purpose LPECs create powerful power impulses of the executive element on the object of influence with minor movements. One of the areas of improvement of LPEC is the creation of multi-armature structures. Methodology. To analyze the electromechanical characteristics and indicators of LPEC, a mathematical model was used, which takes into account the interconnected electrical, magnetic, mechanical and thermal processes that occur when connected to a pulse energy source with a capacitive energy storage. The main results of the calculations were performed in the COMSOL Multiphysics software environment and confirmed by experimental studies in laboratory conditions. Results. The features of the electromechanical processes of multi-armature LPECs are established and their indicators are determined. With the help of efficiency criteria, which take into account electrical, power, speed and magnetic indicators in a relative form with different options for their evaluation strategy, it was established that multi-armature LPECs for power purposes have increased efficiency, and for high-speed LPECs the use of multi-armature configurations is impractical. The conducted experimental studies confirm the reliability of the calculated results. Originality. It has been established that almost all multi-armature LPECs for power purposes have higher efficiency compared to a converter with one armature, and for high-speed LPECs it is advisable to use traditional LPECs with one armature. Practical value. On the basis of multi-armature LPECs, models of an electromagnetic UAV catapult, a magnetic pulse press for ceramic powder materials, an electromechanical device for dumping ice and snow deposits from a power line wire, a device for destroying information on a solid-state digital SSD drive have been developed and tested. References 20, tables 4, figures 8.

Author Biographies

V. F. Bolyukh, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

O. I. Kocherga, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

PhD, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Bolyukh, V. F., & Kocherga, O. I. (2024). Efficiency of multi-armature linear pulse electromechanical power and speed converters. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (3), 3–10. https://doi.org/10.20998/2074-272X.2024.3.01



Electrical Machines and Apparatus