Spectral and optic-metric methods of monitoring parameters of plasma channels caused by discharge currents between metals granules in working liquids
discharge current, plasma channels, metal granules, optical emission spectrumAbstract
Introduction. Spark-erosion processing of metals and alloys granules in working liquids is the basis of a several technological processes. Efficiency of energy use in them and parameters of the resulting product largely depend on the accuracy of stabilization and regulation of pulse power in each plasma channel between the granules. To achieve this, until now only the voltage and current of the discharge pulses in the entire layer of granules have been controlled. Problem. The measurement methods, which are used, are not effective enough for monitoring the parameters of individual plasma channels and predicting the size distribution of eroded metals particles at the stage of their formation. The aim of the work is to develop a method for determining the volumes of components of plasma channels in layers of metals granules during their spark-erosion treatment to predict the size distribution of eroded metal particles at the stage of their formation, as well as to simplify the method of spectrometric analysis of the elemental composition of substances surrounding plasma channels for the operational prediction of the chemical composition of resulting products. Methodology. A series of experiments were carried out on spark-erosion processing of Al and Ag granules layers in distilled water. Using a digital camera, images of the plasma channels in them were obtained. Based on the theory of pulsed electrical breakdown of liquid dielectrics, an analysis of the components of plasma channels was carried out. Using the specialized ToupView program, the volumes of equivalent ellipsoids of rotation were determined, approximating the halos of colored radiation likely arising from streamers, as well as the spark cores of plasma channels emitting white light. The shades of the resulting radiation were studied for several metals and working liquids. The obtained data were compared with the known results of spectrometric studies for the same elements excited by similar mechanisms. Results. The theory of discharge-pulse systems for spark-erosion processing of granular conductive media has been developed in the direction of new methods for monitoring the parameters of discharge pulses and predicting the chemical composition and size distribution parameters of eroded metal particles at the stage of their production. An optic-metric method has been developed for determining the volumes of halos and cores of plasma channels. A simplified spectral method for determining the chemical composition of erosion particles based on the shade of the resulting radiation was proposed. Originality. The developed new optic-metric method makes it possible to obtain information about almost every plasma channel, which refines predictions of the size distribution of erosion particles. To implement the method, general-purpose hardware and specialized software that is freely available are used. The developed method of simplified spectral analysis of excited atoms makes it possible to make preliminary predictions of the chemical composition of the obtained erosion particles already at the stage of their formation without the use of expensive specialized equipment. Practical significance. The ratio of the volumes of halos and cores of plasma channels between Al and Ag granules in distilled water was measured. An analysis of the emission spectra of plasma channel halos between Al, Ag and Cu granules in distilled water, Fe in ethyl alcohol, Ni-Mn-Ga and Ti-Zr-Ni alloys in liquid nitrogen, and Ti-Zr-Ni in liquid argon was carried out. Based on spectrometry data, the resulting shades of these radiations were substantiated and their description in the RGB system is given. References 56, table 1, figures 4.
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