Development of methods for adapting the parameters of spatial end winding sections in 2D circuit-field models of induction-synchronous electric machines




electromagnetic field, end effects, methods of decomposition and dynamic synthesis, circuit-field modeling, electric machine


Introduction. Recently, the theory of a special class of cascade slow-speed non-contact induction-synchronous electrical machines (ISEM) has been developed. This allowed to obtain a combination of positive properties from conventional induction and synchronous electric machines. Problem. The lack of circuit and field models of ISEM imposes restrictions on further research of electromagnetic, mechanical and energy processes, in transient and quasi-steady modes of its operation. Goal. Development of 3D and adapted 2D circuit-field models of ISEM, decomposition methods, and dynamic synthesis with adaptation of electromagnetic parameter coupling conditions at the boundaries of calculated subdomains of ISEM. Methodology. Spatial elements of ISEM design are represented by separate spatial calculation subareas. The conditions of compliance with electromagnetic processes, which are formed by a complete calculation area and separate spatial calculation subareas of ISEM, are accepted. The influence of end effects and the parameters of the frontal parts of ISEM windings are determined by the inequality of the magnetic field energy of separate calculation subareas. These parameters, including end effects, are displayed as circuit elements in the 2D circuit-field model. Results. The obtained combination of 3D area decomposition methods and dynamic synthesis with adaptation of electromagnetic parameters coupling conditions at the boundaries of its calculated ISEM’s subdomains. The proposed technique for determining the resistance and inductive resistances of the frontal parts of the ISEM windings, taking into account edge effects. The accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed methods is confirmed by the results of an experimental study. Originality. An adapted dynamic 2D circuit-field model of transient processes of ISEM has been developed, which allows taking into account parameters of the frontal parts of its windings. Practical value. The proposed methods can be used for various types of electrical machines. References 27, tables 3, figures 12.

Author Biography

M. I. Kotsur, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic»

PhD, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Kotsur, M. I. (2024). Development of methods for adapting the parameters of spatial end winding sections in 2D circuit-field models of induction-synchronous electric machines. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (4), 9–21.



Electrical Machines and Apparatus