Method for prediction and control by uncertain microsatellite magnetic cleanliness based on calculation and compensation magnetic field spatial harmonics
microsatellite, magnetic cleanliness, magnetic field spatial spherical harmonics, prediction, control, measurements, uncertaintyAbstract
Aim. Development of method for prediction and control the microsatellite magnetic cleanliness taking into account the uncertainties of the magnetic characteristics of the microsatellite, based on calculation the magnetic field spatial spherical harmonics in the area of the onboard magnetometer installation and using compensating multipoles. Methodology. Spatial spherical harmonics of microsatellite magnetic field in the area of the onboard magnetometer installation calculated as solution of nonlinear minimax optimization problem based on near field measurements for prediction far spacecraft magnetic field magnitude. Nonlinear objective function calculated as the weighted sum of squared residuals between the measured and predicted magnetic field. Values of the compensating dipoles, quadrupoles and octupoles and coordinates of them placement inside the spaceship for compensation of the dipoles, quadrupoles and octupoles components of the microsatellite initial magnetic field also calculated as solution of nonlinear minimax optimization problem. Both solutions of this nonlinear minimax optimization problems calculated based on particle swarm nonlinear optimization algorithms. Results. Results of prediction spacecraft far magnetic field magnitude based on spacecraft spatial spherical harmonics of the magnetic field using near field measurements and compensation of the dipoles, quadrupoles and octupoles components of the initial magnetic field with consideration of spacecraft magnetic characteristics uncertainty for ensuring the microsatellite magnetic cleanliness. Originality. The method for prediction and control by spacecraft magnetic cleanliness based on calculation spatial spherical harmonics of the magnetic field in the area of the onboard magnetometer installation using compensation of the dipoles, quadrupoles and octupoles components of the initial magnetic field with consideration of magnetic characteristics uncertainty is developed. Practical value. The important practical problem of ensuring the magnetic cleanliness of the «Sich-2» microsatellite family based on the spatial spherical harmonics of the magnetic field model using the compensation of the dipole, quadrupole and octupole components of the output magnetic field of the sensor for the kinetic parameters of the neutral component of the space plasma at the point of installation of the on-board magnetometer LEMI-016 by setting the compensating dipole, quadrupole and octupole with consideration of spacecraft magnetic characteristics uncertainty solved.
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