A calculation of basic thermophysical, gasodynamic and electropower parameters of electric explosion is in the gas environment of metallic explorer
large impulsive current, electric explosion of explorer, temperature, pressure, time and energy of explosion, active resistance and specific conductivity of plasma channel, entered in explorer and energy selected in a plasma channel, speed of shock wave at the explosion of explorerAbstract
Goal. Receipt and analysis of close analytical correlations for the engineering calculation of maximal temperature of Tm and pressures of Pm in a plasma channel, time of tex explosion of explorer, active resistance of Rc and specific conductivity of γp of plasma channel, to entered in explorer Wi and selected in the channel of Wc of thermal energy and high speed of vmw distribution of shock acoustic wave in the plasma products of electric explosion (EE) in gas of explorer under the action of large impulsive current (LIC). Methodology. Basis of thermophysics, thermodynamics, theoretical and applied electrical engineering, electrophysics bases of technique of high-voltage and large impulsive currents, basis of heavy-current electronics, theory of explosion and plasma, measuring technique and electromagnetic compatibility. Results . Close formulas are got for the analytical calculation of temperature of Tm and pressures of Pm in a plasma channel, time of tex explosion of explorer, active resistance of Rc and specific conductivity of γp of plasma channel, to entered in explorer Wi and selected in the channel of Wc of thermal energy and speed of vmw of shock acoustic wave in «metallic plasma» at EE in gas of explorer, testing action LIC in the discharge chain of high-voltage generator of impulsive currents (GIC) with the stocked energy of W0. It is rotined that at EE in atmospheric air of copper explorer long 110 mm and by a radius 0,1 mm in the bit chain of GIC of the microsecond temporal range (Imc≈−190 кА; tmc≈42 μs; ωc≈26,18·103 s-1; W0≈121,4 кJ) levels of temperature of Tm, to time of tex explosion, pressures of Pm and speeds of vmw in the area of his explosion can arrive at numeral values: Tm≈121,6·103 K, tex≈3,32 μs; Pm≈14,19·109 Pa and vmw≈4693 m/s. The ways of receipt are formulated in the bit chain of GIC of «record» (most) values of temperature of Tm, pressures of Pm and speeds of vmw. It is set that at EE in atmospheric air of the indicated short thin copper explorer the coefficient of the useful use of ηc of electric energy of W0 of condenser battery of GIC arrives at the numeral value of ηc≈(Wi+Wc)/W0≈0,326 (32,6 %). Arising up in the plasma channel of discharge, initiated EE in gas of explorer, temperature of Tm and pressure of Pm, time of tex explosion of explorer, specific conductivity of γp of channel, thermal energy of Wc and speed of vmw of shock acoustic wave selected in a channel in «metallic plasma» can be certain experimental a way on results decoding of oscillograms of discharge current of ic(t) and high-voltage of uc(t) on an explorer in the chain of GIC. A formula is resulted for the close calculation of critical integral of current of Jk at EE in gas of explorers from different metals. Executed on powerful GIC heavy-current experiments were confirmed by substantive provisions offered approach near the analytical calculation of basic parameters of electro-explosive process for the probed explorer. Originality. Offered and the engineering going is scientifically grounded near the analytical calculation of the indicated thermophysical, gasodynamic and electroenergy parameters of Tm, Pm, tex, Rc, γp, Wi, Wc and vmw at EE in gas of metallic explorer, plugged in the discharge chain of GIC. Practical value. Application in electrophysics practice of the offered engineering going near a calculation in the chain of GIC of basic parameters of electro-explosive process will allow to facilitate labour of workers of scientific laboratories and promote efficiency of work of technicians-and-engineers during practical realization by them different electro-explosive technologies.
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