Development of a boost-inverter converter under electromagnetic compatibility stress equipping a photovoltaic generator




inverter, converter, microcontroller, electromagnetic compatibility, MOSFET, IGBT


Introduction. Static converters are among the most widely used equipment in several applications, for example, electric power transmission, motor speed variation, photovoltaic panels, which constitute the electronic components. The design of a power electronics device is done without any real means of predicting electromagnetic disturbances during the product development phase. This case-by-case development process is repeated until a solution is found that best respects all the electromagnetic compatibility constraints. The purpose is the development of a boost-inverter converter under electromagnetic compatibility constraints. The improvements made to the inverter are mainly in the control, the choice of power switches and the electromagnetic compatibility solutions brought to the device. The quality of the wave is improved by acting on the type of control and the choice of switches. Methods. In the first time, we have highlighted a comparison between two most frequently used power components (MOSFET and IGBT) in the inverter and the boost by simulation using ISIS and LT-spice softwares. The sinusoidal voltage with modulation circuit is greatly simplified by the use of the PIC16F876A microcontroller. In a second step, we validate the obtained results with experimental measurements. We start with the boost, then the inverter. In addition, the circuits made are housed in boxes to avoid accidental contact for people. The equipment is designed to isolate the load from the power supply in case of: over voltages, under voltages, high and low battery level and short circuits. Results. All the simulations were performed using the ISIS and LT-spice softwares. The obtained results are validated by experimental measurements performed in the ICEPS Laboratory at the University of Sidi Bel-Abbes in Algeria. The realization of a single-phase inverter with a pulse width modulation control, associated with a boost chopper and the waveforms of the current and voltage across each static converter its opening are presented. The sources of disturbances in power devices are at the origin of the temporal and frequency characteristics of the signals coming from the hot spots of the power switches and the resonances created during the switching of these elements.

Author Biographies

S. Bechekir, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes

Lecturer, Intelligent Control and Electrical Power Systems (ICEPS)

A. Zeghoudi, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes

PhD, Laboratory of Applications of Plasma, Electrostatics and Electromagnetic Compatibility (APELEC)

D. Ould-Abdeslam, Universite de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse

Professor, MIPS Laboratory

M. Brahami, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes

Professor, Intelligent Control and Electrical Power Systems (ICEPS)

H. Slimani, University of Tiaret


A. Bendaoud, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes

Professor, Laboratory of Applications of Plasma, Electrostatics and Electromagnetic Compatibility (APELEC)


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How to Cite

Bechekir, S., Zeghoudi, A., Ould-Abdeslam, D., Brahami, M., Slimani, H., & Bendaoud, A. (2023). Development of a boost-inverter converter under electromagnetic compatibility stress equipping a photovoltaic generator. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (5), 14–19.



Industrial Electronics