Development of fuzzy classifier for technical condition ranking of power transformer




fuzzy classifier, electrical equipment, technical condition assessment, defect, power transformer


The work aim is to develop a fuzzy classifier for technical condition ranking of power transformer under condition of vagueness and ambiguity diagnostic information. Methodology. The fuzzy classifier developing for technical condition ranking of power transformer was based on approach of using fuzzy set theory and optimization methods. The proposed approach for power transformer rank assessment by using a classifier was developed on the basis of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference system. The input indicators choice is justified and their efficiency for classifier is evaluated by expert evaluation method. This makes it possible to formalize expert assessments regarding the development of power transformer defects. Results. The formalization of technical condition assessment of power transformer in knowledge base form, which implemented in expert system prototype for technical condition assessment, was carried out. The complex technical condition assessment for each functional unit of power transformer was determined based on expert evaluations with using the test and measurement parameters results. Originality. The considered approach to formalization of uncertainty regarding technical condition of power transformer allows building a deterministic decision-making scheme for further maintenance strategy, in which the ranking and decommissioning procedures for specific objects are implemented on the basis of objective criteria. Practical value. The proposed fuzzy classifier allows determination with a high probability degree of technical condition assessment of power transformer based on the test and measurement parameters results. Thus, an applied aspect of using the obtained scientific result is the possibility to objectively rank of power transformers park based on the identified possible defects and their development degree. This constitutes the prerequisites for determining the failure probability evaluation of power transformer at nearest observation period and emergency risk assessment in integrated electric power systems under power transformer failures.

Author Biographies

E. I. Bardyk, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

PhD, Assistant Professor

N. P. Bolotnyi, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

PhD, Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Bardyk, E. I., & Bolotnyi, N. P. (2023). Development of fuzzy classifier for technical condition ranking of power transformer. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (5), 3–13.



Electrical Machines and Apparatus