Optimization and reliability of the power supply systems of a compressor station





power supply system, reliability, optimization, economic aspects, technical aspects, graph theory


As gas pipeline systems become larger and more complex, the importance of optimally operating and planning these facilities has increased. The capital costs and operating expenses of pipeline systems are so large that even small improvements in the use of the system can involve large sums of money. Purpose. This article proposes a method to improve the reliability and optimization of power supply systems for compressor stations. The novelty of the proposed work is the development of a new mathematical model that allows the choice of the most appropriate maintenance policies in the best way to significantly reduce costs as well as to optimize useful key performance indicators – failure rate, average time between breakdowns, the average repair time for equipment in compressor station electrical supply systems. Applying graph theory to represent this mathematical model from the schematic diagram of the different energy sources with respect to the five compressor stations is adequate. Methods. The problem that arises for the future operator or operator is, among others, how to balance two main aspects: a technical aspect and an economic aspect. The proposed methodology introduces a research algorithm to calculate the optimal values of the operating parameters of the power supply systems of compressor stations by combining technical and economic aspects in order to reduce costs and increase performance indicators. The proposed algorithm can be implemented in FORTRAN code. Results. The algorithm developed is an efficient tool for calculating maintenance costs and allows by means of programming to define the most appropriate maintenance policy. On the other hand, this technique could be used as an essential economic evaluation indicator for other equipment in order to choose among all the technically possible solutions the one which allow obtaining the best economic result. Practical value. The proposed algorithm has been examined in this third variant of the supply system with two turbogenerators. The result of the optimization shows a clear preference for selecting station C for the pipeline as this presents the minimum cost which is the definition of the algorithm optimizer. Then, it is important to adopt the most recommended maintenance policies and practices in order to ensure the availability of the power supply systems and to avoid unplanned outages with the resulting loss of production.

Author Biographies

N. Benchouia , Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University, Algeria

PhD, HDR, Senior Lecturer, Senior researcher, Electrical engineering Dpt.

M. Saaidia , Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University, Algeria

PhD, Lecturer, Electrical engineering Dpt.


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How to Cite

Benchouia , N., & Saaidia , M. . (2021). Optimization and reliability of the power supply systems of a compressor station. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (2), 54–63. https://doi.org/10.20998/2074-272X.2021.2.08



Power Stations, Grids and Systems