
  • G. V. Bezprozvannych National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9584-3611
  • A. N. Boyko Company «WebMeridian in Ukraine», Ukraine
  • A. V. Roginskiy SE Рlant Electrotyazhmash, Ukraine




high-voltage composite insulation, dielectric barrier, fiberglass substrate, interfacial polarization, electric field distribution, long-term electrical strength


Introduction. Modern high-voltage systems for composite insulation of electrical machines consist of tape glass mica paper materials (dry or pre-impregnated). The electrical characteristics of a multilayer composite insulation system are determined by both the fractional content of the individual components and their electrophysical properties. Purpose. The analysis of the influence of electrophysical characteristics and thickness (fraction) of the dielectric barrier on the distribution of the electric field in the composite high-voltage insulation of electrical machines. Methodology. Simulation of surface charge accumulation at the interface between the substrate and the dielectric barrier is based on the Maxwell–Wagner theory for interfacial polarization. Practical value. The influence of the electrophysical characteristics and thickness of the dielectric barrier on the distribution of the electric field has been established. In the steady state, the electric field strength in the dielectric barrier exceeds the average value by 50 %. In the region of small transition times (up to 1 s), the relative dielectric constant of the barrier has a significant effect on the distribution of the electric field. The use of a dielectric barrier with a higher dielectric constant and fractional content in comparison with the substrate leads to an increase in electric field strength by 5 % relative to the average value in composite insulation. Experimental studies of the long-term electrical strength of glass mica-belt ribbons in the cured (thermosetting) state are consistent with the simulation results. Composite insulation based on glass fiber mica tape with a high content of the mica barrier and fiberglass of smaller thickness has (8-16) % higher values of long-term electric strength. 


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How to Cite

Bezprozvannych, G. V., Boyko, A. N., & Roginskiy, A. V. (2018). EFFECT OF A DIELECTRIC BARRIER ON THE ELECTRIC FIELD DISTRIBUTION IN HIGH-VOLTAGE COMPOSITE INSULATION OF ELECTRIC MACHINES. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (6), 63–67. https://doi.org/10.20998/2074-272X.2018.6.09



High Electric and Magnetic Field Engineering, Engineering Electrophysics