
  • Juraj Gerlici University of Žilina, Slovakia
  • I. A. Shvedchikova Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine
  • J. A. Romanchenko East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University, Ukraine
  • I. V. Nikitchenko East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University, Ukraine



electromagnetic separator, polygradient matrix, inhomogeneity coefficient, working zone, criteria of geometric similarity


Introduction. Polygradient magnetic separation has wide application in industry and in biomedicine. Working process in polygradient separators takes place in a matrix, magnetic elements of which create magnetic forces sufficient to remove small ferro- and paramagnetic inclusions. Problem. The influence of mutual arrangement of elements on character of distribution of magnetic field is not taken into account during calculation of characteristics of magnetic field in magnetic matrixes. It makes comparative analysis of matrixes of different configurations quite difficult. Fulfillment of comparative analysis of strength characteristics of magnetic fields of multicomponent matrixes of polygradient separators of various configurations requires further researches. Goal. To determine the dependence of the strength characteristics of the polygradient electromagnetic separator on the geometrical parameters of the plate type elements of the multicomponent matrix. Methodology. The finite element method for calculation of power characteristics of separator magnetic field, method of comparative analysis and simple search method for determination of rational geometric parameters of the matrix have been used during the solution of the paper problem. Results. Estimation of entire spectrum of force field in plane of working zones of investigated structures in two-dimensional location for determination of rational variants of polygradient matrixes has been done. The main stages of computational experiment are given. Method of comparative analysis of power characteristics of investigated variants of matrix structures with corresponding characteristics of basic version of separator for determination of rational geometrical variants of polygradient matrixes has been applied. By results of calculations the rational geometric parameters of polygradient matrix has been chosen. The characteristics of power magnetic fields in working gaps of matrixes of polygradient separator have been studied. It made possible to determine the rational structural variants of matrix on basis of parameter of effective area of working zone. Practical value. The results of research can be used in practice of design of electromagnetic separators with polygradient matrixes.


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How to Cite

Gerlici, J., Shvedchikova, I. A., Romanchenko, J. A., & Nikitchenko, I. V. (2018). DETERMINATION OF THE RATIONAL GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF PLATE TYPE ELEMENTS OF MAGNETIC MATRIX OF THE POLYGRADIENT SEPARATOR. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (4), 58–62.



High Electric and Magnetic Field Engineering, Engineering Electrophysics