


induction heating, Maxwell’s equations, sheet metal, electromagnetic field, electrodynamic problem, eddy currents


Purpose. Defining the key parameters of the inductor geometry, as a long multi-turn solenoid, that influence on the current amplitude induced excited in a massive conductor with a flat boundary surface. Methodology. Performing a mathematical analysis of the electrodynamic problem solution for an area with variable structure by integrating Maxwell's equation within the given boundary and initial conditions and also physical assumptions simplifying the process of solving but not distorting the result and carrying out an experiment that confirms not only the correctly construction considered but also the acceptability of the chosen assumption the opacity applying of the metal blank for these operating fields frequencies. Results. Functional dependencies of the current induced parameters on the metal surface of the heating object have been obtained, along which numerical estimates of the electrodynamic process have been performed, and key parameters influencing the heating efficiency have been determined. The correctness of the solutions obtained was confirmed experimentally. The final form of the solution function of the physical-mathematical problem was shown to be acceptable for performing further engineering and research calculations. Originality. The functional connection of the measured values of the induced surface current and the parameters of the measuring system is determined, the experimental confirmation of which indicates the satisfactory calculation model of the induction heating system and the entire solution as a whole. Practical value. Based on the calculations performed, working samples of inductive systems for induction heating that meet the specified heating rate and area requirements can be constructed. The obtained analytical expressions were transformed and simplified for their further using for engineering calculations with a minimum error value.


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How to Cite

Batygin, Y. V., Chaplygin, E. A., Sabokar, O. S., & Strelnikova, V. A. (2018). ANALYSIS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC PROCESSES IN THE SYSTEM «CYLINDRICAL SOLENOID – MASSIVE CONDUCTOR». Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (1), 54–58.



High Electric and Magnetic Field Engineering, Engineering Electrophysics