
  • V. G. Zhekul Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies (IPPT) of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. P. Smirnov Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies (IPPT) of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • E. I. Taftaj Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies (IPPT) of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. V. Khvoshchan Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies (IPPT) of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5236-8187
  • I. S. Shvets Institute of Pulse Processes and Technologies (IPPT) of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine




piezoelectric sensor, pulse pressure, electrical characteristics, high-voltage discharge, closed volume of liquid


Purpose. Investigations of the characteristics of pressure waves presuppose the registration of the total profile of the pressure wave at a given point in space. For these purposes, various types of «pressure to the electrical signal» transmitters (sensors) are used. Most of the common sensors are unsuitable for measuring the pulse pressure in a closed water volume at high hydrostatic pressures, in particular to study the effect of a powerful high-voltage pulse discharge on increasing the inflow of minerals and drinking water in wells. The purpose of the work was to develop antijamming piezoelectric waveguide sensor for measuring pulse pressure at a close distance from a high-voltage discharge channel in a closed volume of a liquid. Methodology. We have applied the calibration method as used as a secondary standard, the theory of electrical circuits. Results. We have selected the design and the circuit solution of the waveguide pressure sensor. We have developed a waveguide pulse-pressure sensor DTX-1 with a measuring loop. This sensor makes it possible to study the spectral characteristics of pressure waves of high-voltage pulse discharge in closed volumes of liquid at a hydrostatic pressure of up to 20 MPa and a temperature of up to 80 °C. The sensor can be used to study pressure waves with a maximum amplitude value of up to 150 MPa and duration of up to 80 µs. According to the results of the calibration, the sensitivity of the developed sensor DTX-1 with a measuring loop is 0.0346 V/MPa. Originality. We have further developed the theory of designing the waveguide piezoelectric pulse pressure sensors for measuring the pulse pressure at a close distance from a high-voltage discharge channel in a closed fluid volume by controlling the attenuation of the amplitude of the pressure signal. Practical value. We have developed, created, calibrated, used in scientific research waveguide pressure pulse sensors DTX-1. We propose sensors DTX-1 for sale in Ukraine and abroad. Sensors DTX-1 can be used to study pressure waves with a maximum amplitude value of up to 150 MPa in closed fluid volumes at a hydrostatic pressure of up to 20 MPa and a temperature of up to 80 °C.


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How to Cite

Zhekul, V. G., Smirnov, O. P., Taftaj, E. I., Khvoshchan, O. V., & Shvets, I. S. (2017). PIEZOELECTRIC WAVEGUIDE SENSOR FOR MEASURING PULSE PRESSURE IN CLOSED LIQUID VOLUMES AT HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRIC DISCHARGE. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (5), 55–59. https://doi.org/10.20998/2074-272X.2017.5.09



High Electric and Magnetic Field Engineering, Engineering Electrophysics