
  • Yu. M. Vaskovskyi National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1262-0939
  • A. M. Melnyk Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. I. Tytko Institute of Electrodynamics of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine




turbogenerator, field mathematical model, electromagnetic vibration disturbing forces, Maxwell stress tensor, eccentricity, damage of rotor, diagnostic feature


Electromagnetic vibration disturbing forces in different variants of the rotor displacement from an axis of the stator bore is carried out. Investigation for ТG type ТGV-200-2 by finite element method in COMSOL Multiphysics is carried out. The field mathematical model of static and dynamic eccentricity is described. The amplitude vibration disturbing forces are greatest, when a static eccentricity direction coincides with an axis of the stator winding phase is shown. The diagnostic features static and dynamic eccentricities are formulated. The most value of forces in the point with minimal air gap is shown. The diagnostic features static and dynamic eccentricities and the method of diagnostic eccentricity are formulated. Diagnostic feature of static eccentricity is to change the amplitude Maxwell stress tensor is established. The dynamic eccentricity diagnostic features are appearance in the spectrum of vibration disturbing forces rotating and multiple harmonics.

Author Biography

Yu. M. Vaskovskyi, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»



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2. Vaskovskyi Yu.M., Tsyvinskyi S.S., Tytko O.I. Electromagnetic processes in the damper winding of hydro generator with eccentricity of air gap. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika, 2015, no.1, pp. 65-71. (Ukr).

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5. Kuchynskyi K.A. Analysis of temperature field of rotor of turbogenerator capacity 300 mW at asymmetry of cooling of grooving zone. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika, 2013, no.4, pp. 59-66. (Rus).

6. Milykh V.I., Polyakova N.V Comparative analysis of the variable magnetic field on the surface of the rotor of turbogenerators with different numbers of stator teeth in the load condition. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika, 2014. no.2, pp. 29-36. (Rus).

7. Sedky M.M. Diagnosis of static, dynamic and mixed eccentricity in line start permanent magnet synchronous motor by using FEM. International journal of electrical, robotics, electronics and communications engineering, 2014, vol.8, no.1, pp. 29-34.

8. Yonggang Li, Guowei Zhou, Shuting Wan, Heming Li. Analysis of unbalanced magnetic pull on turbo-generator rotor under air-gap eccentric fault and rotor short circuit fault. International journal of advancements in computing technology, 2013, vol.5, no.4, pp. 523-530. doi: 10.4156/ijact.vol5.issue4.62.



How to Cite

Vaskovskyi, Y. M., Melnyk, A. M., & Tytko, O. I. (2016). ELECTROMAGNETIC VIBRATION DISTURBING FORCES AT THE ECCENTRICITY OF ROTOR OF TURBOGENERATOR. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (4), 16–21. https://doi.org/10.20998/2074-272X.2016.4.02



Electrical Machines and Apparatus