
  • I. V. Nizhevskyi National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
  • V. I. Nizhevskyi National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine




grounding device, resistance measurement, three-electrode installation, minimum spacing of measuring electrodes, technique of measuring, substitution circuit


Introduction. Measurement of resistance of the grounding device (GD) by means of a three-electrode system. This requires not only the right choice of installation locations of measuring electrodes, but also the determination of the point of zero potential. Implementation of these requirements quite time-consuming, and in some cases impossible. Aim. Develop a new technique for measuring the electrical resistance of the GD. Task. The method of measuring the resistance of the GD with the help of a three-electrode setup is necessary to exclude the determination of the point of zero potential. Method. Mathematical modeling and calculation engine. Results. A three-electrode system for measuring the resistance of grounding devices (GD) for various purposes is considered. On the basis of Maxwell equations a theoretical substantiation of a new technique for measuring the resistance of any GD of any construction in random soil structure has been proposed. An equation system of the sixth order has been obtained, its solution makes it possible to measure its own mutual resistance in the three-electrode installation with sufficiently high accuracy. Peculiarities of drawing up a calculation scheme of substitution of a three-electrode installation with lumped parameters: self and mutual impedance. Use of the principle of reciprocity eliminates the need of finding a point of zero potential which is a rather difficult task. The technique allows to minimize the spacing of measuring electrodes outside the GD, which substantially reduces the length of wiring of the measurement circuit and increases the «signal-to-interference» ratio and also removes the restrictions on the development of the territory outside the GD being tested. Conclusion. The procedure allows to evaluate the self and mutual impedance grounding all the electrodes in a three-electrode measuring installation of the grounding resistance of the device without finding the point of zero potential.


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How to Cite

Nizhevskyi, I. V., & Nizhevskyi, V. I. (2016). A TECHNIQUE OF MEASURING OF RESISTANCE OF A GROUNDING DEVICE. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (3), 50–57. https://doi.org/10.20998/2074-272X.2016.3.08



Power Stations, Grids and Systems