
  • A. M. Galinovskiy National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
  • E. A. Lenskaya State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • N. P. Melnik FH «Svitanok», Ukraine



brushless asynchronized machine, inverter, diode, transistor, thyristor


The comparative analysis of direct frequency converters with artificial and natural- switching term of the cyclical control algorithm is presented; the recommendations for their using in brushless asynchronized machines with three-phase winding are developed. Converters with a limited number of full-controlled valves have large losses in safety circuits of gates, they can be used in system of automatic excitation control. The best quality of voltage and current load are provided by converters with natural commutation using modulated input voltage, the combined potential compounds windings supply and the combined method of thyristor controlling. When the load is divided into two three-phase groups, an even number of phases of the power supply for single phase of the load are applied the bridge converter circuit. Regulation of the load current is carried out by the excitation current of field exciters and by the control angle of thyristor. Converters can be used in high-power asynchronized motors and generators. In asynchronized compensators it is possible to use diode-thyristor converters without transmitting the control signals to the rotating part. The frequency converters without modulation of input voltage have the smallest increase in rated capacity of power supply. However, they have a low quality form of the output voltage at high power factor of load.


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How to Cite

Galinovskiy, A. M., Lenskaya, E. A., & Melnik, N. P. (2015). DIRECT FREQUENCY CONVERTER WITH ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL COMMUTATION FOR BRUSHLESS ASYNCHRONIZED MACHINES. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (5), 23–30.



Electrical Machines and Apparatus