
  • I. V. Domanskyi National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine



traction power supply systems, energy systems, power, modes of traction, operation of power systems, external electric power supply system, longitudinal capacitive of compensation


Currently, the cause deterioration of quality rating of electricity on tire traction substations AC can be either how mode of operation of power systems, industrial loads so and the impact of electric traction. The experience of energy surveys show that the loss from flow potential equalization currents in each the third plot between traction substations AC is amount to not less than 250 thousand kW∙h per year. To select the optimum power and places location of the device longitudinal capacitive of compensation and decision other tasks it is necessary methodology of systems of calculation that takes into account the complex nature of the mutual influence of the quality of the electricity coming from the energy system of and the transportation process. In the paper proposed three options for calculation algorithms modes work of existing and perspective systems, traction power supply AC jointly with power supply their by energy systems, including the algorithm for calculating networks of different nominal voltages using the transformations; decomposition and synthesis of networks with different voltage levels; the iterations and probabilistic assessment of the impact of power mains. Developed the schemes formalization of graphs and the matrices of portions of the outer and traction power supply and method of selecting parameters and places location of the devices longitudinal capacitive of compensation, which are based on direct methods solving systems of linear algebraic equations with a dense banded and profile-sparse the matrix. Are generalized ways of formation and transformation of graphs of schemes traction power supply and feeding them energy systems and proposed the method of calculation the complex the moment of schemes, which increases the accuracy of calculating of flows power on traction networks to 1-2 % and allows you to select the optimal parameters and places location of the devices longitudinal capacitive of compensation. Analysis of the results of modeling and real modes of traction network shows that the efficiency of use longitudinal capacitive compensation is high on traction substations for which the resistance external electric power supply system of the is greater than 0.5 ohms, and the degree of compensation is within the allowable K = 0.7.

Author Biography

I. V. Domanskyi, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine


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Power Stations, Grids and Systems