
  • V. F. Bolyukh National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9115-7828
  • S. V. Oleksenko National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
  • I. S. Schukin Firm Tetra, LTD, Ukraine




linear impulse of electromechanical converter, induction-dynamic, electrodynamic, electromagnetic converters, the synthesis parameters, the integral efficiency index


Considered linear impulse electromechanical converters (LIEC) are used to create a significant impact and high-acceleration actuators on a short active site. The most effective types of LIEC are induction-dynamic (IDC), electro-dynamic (EDC) and electro-magnetic (EMC) converters. In all these types of short-term excitement LIEC carried briefly of the inductor from a pulsed source. This occurs when the magnetic field of the inductor causes the electro-dynamic or electromagnetic forces, leading to a linear movement of the armature. However, the issue at evaluating the effects of IDC, EDC and EMC, for creating a shock simultaneously with high speed to the specified criteria in the presence of ferromagnetic core virtually unexplored. The paper presents the simulated computer-WIDE 2D model of LIEC of coaxial configuration with ferromagnetic core by using software package COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4, taking into account the related electro-magnetic, thermal, and magnetic fields. In addition a synthesis of high-performance IDC, EDC and EMC to ensure maximum impact and speed of the operating element, whereby the comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the IDC, EDC and EMC via an integral index, taking into account the maximum value and momentum of electro-dynamic or electromagnetic force acting on the armature, maximum and average speed armature, efficiency, mass and dimensions performance transducer stray field, the maximum current density in the inductor is carried out. On the basis of the eight selection policies set the most efficient types of power and speed LIEC. It is shown that any one of the strategies IDC selection is not the best. To ensure maximum impact force is the most effective EMC and to ensure the greatest speed – EDC.


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How to Cite

Bolyukh, V. F., Oleksenko, S. V., & Schukin, I. S. (2015). EFFICIENCY OF LINEAR PULSE ELECTROMECHANICAL CONVERTERS DESIGNED TO CREATE IMPACT LOADS AND HIGH SPEEDS. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (3), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.20998/2074-272X.2015.3.05



Electrotechnical complexes and Systems