Comparative analysis of planar and spatial three-phase electromagnetic systems with parallel forming surfaces of cores and coil windows (watt loss)


  • E. A. Avdieieva National University of Shipbuilding after Admiral Makarov, Ukraine



planar and spatial electromagnetic system, rectangular and sector forming contours, minimum watt loss, optimization


Analytical dependences for optimum geometrical relationship determination with a transformer minimal watt loss criterion are obtained. A comparative analysis of energy efficiency for planar and spatial axial three-phase electromagnetic systems with rectangular and sector forming contours of the cores and coil windows is made.


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How to Cite

Avdieieva, E. A. (2012). Comparative analysis of planar and spatial three-phase electromagnetic systems with parallel forming surfaces of cores and coil windows (watt loss). Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (5), 13–17.



Electrical Machines and Apparatus