Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics 2024-10-18T22:05:53+03:00 Grechko Oleksandr Open Journal Systems <div id="focusAndScope"> <p><span id="result_box" lang="en"><strong><span class="alt-edited">Electrical Engineering &amp;</span> Electromechanics</strong> is a peer-reviewed open access scientific Journal, which publishes high-quality original articles with a strong focus on analytical, numerical and multiphysics techniques of modelling of electrophysical processes in electrical, electromechanical and electrical power installations and systems, on the development of new electrical devices and systems with improved technical, economic and environmental performance in such areas </span><span id="result_box" lang="en">as: <strong>theoretical electrical engineering</strong>; <strong>high electric and magnetic fields engineering, engineering electrophysics</strong>; <strong>electrical machines and apparatus</strong>; <strong>electrical complexes and systems</strong>; <strong>industrial electronics</strong>; <strong>electrical insulation and cable engineering</strong>; <strong>power stations, grids and systems</strong>.<br />Articles that form the scientific basis for further development in these areas, as well as original articles with specific solutions of actual engineering problems are also approved.<br />The <strong>aims and scope</strong> of the Journal is to present a forum for discussion and testing of techniques of modelling, calculation, experimental validation and development of new electrical devices and systems with improved technical, economic and environmental performance, as well as expanding the scope of their industrial use.<br />The advantages of the Journal are due to the fact that Founders are a union of research and educational centers in the field of electrical engineering. Founders' extensive collaboration with research institutions around the world allows peer review of submitted manuscripts by the world-leading experts and to engage cutting-edge research results to publication in the Journal.<br /></span></p> <p><strong>Year of Foundation:</strong> 2002</p> <p><strong>Co-founders:</strong><br /><strong><a href="">National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"</a></strong><br />Address:<br />2, Kyrpychova Str., 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine<br />E-mail:<br />phone: +380 57 7001564<br /><a href=""><strong>Аnatolii Pidhornyi Institute of Power Machines and Systems of NAS of Ukraine</strong></a><br />Address:<br />2/10, Komunalnykiv Str., 61046, Kharkiv, Ukraine<br />E-mail:<br />phone: +380 572 930144</p> <p><strong>Publisher:<br />National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTU "KhPI")</strong> jointly with <strong>Аnatolii Pidhornyi Institute of Power Machines and Systems of NAS of Ukraine (IEMS of NAS of Ukraine)</strong></p> <p><strong>Sections of Journal:</strong></p> <ul> <li><em><strong>Theoretical Electrical Engineering</strong></em></li> <li><em><strong>High Electric and Magnetic Fields Engineering, Engineering Electrophysics</strong></em></li> <li><em><strong>Electrical Machines and Apparatus</strong></em></li> <li><em><strong>Electrical Complexes and Systems</strong></em></li> <li><em><strong>Industrial Electronics</strong></em></li> <li><em><strong>Electrical Insulation and Cable Engineering</strong></em></li> <li><em><strong>Power Stations, Grids and Systems</strong></em></li> </ul> <p><strong>ISSN 2074-272X (Print), ISSN 2309-3404 (Online)</strong></p> <p>All articles have <strong>DOI </strong>number with prefix <strong>10.20998</strong>. For example, the first article in no.1 2016 has <strong>doi</strong>: <strong>10.20998/2074-272X.2016.1.01</strong></p> <p><strong>How to cite article in our journal.</strong> For example:<br />Montazeri Z., Niknam T. Optimal utilization of electrical energy from power plants based on final energy consumption using gravitational search algorithm. <em>Electrical Engineering &amp; Electromechanics</em>, 2018, no. 4, pp. 70-73. doi: <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><strong>Indexing of Journal:<br /><a href="">Scopus</a></strong> (from 2019), <strong><a href=";hide_exact_match_fl=true&amp;utm_source=mjl&amp;utm_medium=share-by-link&amp;utm_campaign=search-results-share-this-journal">Web of Science™ Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)</a>,<br /></strong></span><span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><strong><a href="">DOAJ</a>, <a href="">ProQuest</a>, <a href="">EBSCO Publishing INC.</a>, <a href="">Gale/Cengage Learning</a>, <a href="">Ulrich’s Periodical Directory</a>, <a href=";user=of_7RnkAAAAJ">Google Scholar</a></strong></span></p> <p><strong>Frequency Journal:</strong> 6 times per year</p> <p><strong>Language of Publications: </strong>English, Ukrainian (for online version all articles necessarily are translating in English by Journal's Editorial Board)</p> <p><strong>Editor-in-Chief:</strong> Sokol Yevgen, Professor, Corresponding Cember of NAS of Ukraine, Rector of NTU "KhPI"</p> <p><strong>Executive secretary:</strong> Grechko Oleksandr, PhD</p> <p><strong>Address of the Journal:</strong> National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyrpychova Street, 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002</p> <p><strong>Phones:</strong> +380 57 7076281, +380 67 3594696</p> <p><strong>E-mail:</strong> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Online pdf version of Journal <strong>"Electrical Engineering &amp; Electromechanics"</strong> - free of charge</p> </div> Power quality enhancement of grid-integrated solar photovoltaic system with unified power quality conditioner 2024-10-09T22:38:12+03:00 M. Manohara S. Muthukaruppasamy R. Dharmaprakash S. Sendilkumar D. Dattatreya Bharadwaj E. Parimalasundar <p><strong><em>Introduction.</em></strong> <em>To enhance the quality of power and ensure a consistent electricity supply, this study proposes the utilization of a unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) system integrated with solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. The innovation involves</em> <em>single DC-link connecting back-to-back voltage-compensating components arranged in series and shunt, forming the PV-UPQC. The shunt compensator utilizes energy from a PV array to address harmonics in the load current. The objective is to mitigate voltage dips and spikes by injecting voltage that is either in phase with or out of phase with the common coupling point through a series compensator. The method combines the benefits of generating renewable energy to enhance electrical quality. The <strong>goal</strong> of the paper is the power quality enhancement of grid-integrated solar PV system. The</em> <strong><em>novelty</em></strong> <em>of the proposed work consists of enhancement of grid-integrated solar PV system with UPQC.</em> <em>The purpose of integrating a UPQC into a grid-connected solar PV system is to enhance power quality by mitigating issues such as voltage fluctuations, harmonics and reactive power imbalance. <strong>Methods.</strong> The proposed topology is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink with grid-integrated solar PV system with UPQC.<strong> Results</strong>. Integrating UPQC with a grid-connected solar PV system yields substantial improvements in power quality. This includes effectively mitigating voltage fluctuations and harmonics, resulting in smoother operation and reduced disturbances on the grid. <strong>Practical value.</strong></em> <em>The proposed topology has proven to be extremely useful for grid-integrated solar PV system with UPQC applications. </em>References 15, table 2, figures 9.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Manohara, S. Muthukaruppasamy, R. Dharmaprakash, S. Sendilkumar, D. Dattatreya Bharadwaj, E. Parimalasundar Novel modular multilevel matrix converter topology for efficient high-voltage AC-AC power conversion 2024-05-04T00:05:49+03:00 F. Saidi A. Djahbar E. Bounadja W. M. Kacemi K. Fettah <p><strong><em>Introduction.</em></strong><em> This paper delves into the practical application of multilevel technology, particularly focusing on the capacitor-clamped converter as a promising solution for medium-to-high voltage power conversion, with specific emphasis on direct AC-AC switching conditions. <strong>Problem. </strong>The limitations of conventional single-cell matrix converters (MC) in efficiency and performance for medium-to-high voltage power conversion applications are well-recognized. <strong>Goal</strong>. The primary objective is to investigate the performance of the 3 phase modular multilevel matrix converter (3MC) with three flying capacitors (FCs) modeling. This investigation utilizes the Venturini method for gate pulse generation, aiming to compare the performance of the 3MC with standard converter designs. <strong>Methodology.</strong> To achieve the research goal, the Venturini method is adopted for generating gate pulses for the 3MC, representing a departure from conventional approaches. Detailed simulations employing MATLAB/Simulink are conducted to comprehensively evaluate the performance of the 3MC in comparison to conventional converter designs<strong>. Results</strong>. The simulation outcomes reveal a significant reduction of 73 % in total harmonic distortion (THD) achieved by the 3MC. This reduction in THD indicates improved robustness and suitability for medium-to-high voltage power conversion systems necessitating direct AC-AC conversion. These results highlight the efficacy of the 3MC in enhancing power conversion efficiency and overall performance. <strong>Originality</strong>. This paper contributes novel insights into the practical implementation of multilevel technology, particularly within the realm of capacitor-clamped converters. Furthermore, the utilization of the Venturini method for gate pulse generation in the 3MC represents an original approach to enhancing converter performance. <strong>Practical value. </strong>The research findings present significant advancements in multilevel transformer technology, offering valuable guidance for optimizing transformer design in various industrial and renewable energy applications. These contributions serve to enhance the development of reliable and efficient power systems, addressing critical needs in the energy sector.</em> References 54, tables 3, figures 4.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 F. Saidi, A. Djahbar, E. Bounadja, W. M. Kacemi, K. Fettah Method for prediction magnetic silencing of uncertain energy-saturated extended technical objects in prolate spheroidal coordinate system 2024-10-09T23:21:11+03:00 B. I. Kuznetsov A. S. Kutsenko T. B. Nikitina I. V. Bovdui K. V. Chunikhin V. V. Kolomiets <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><em>. </em><em>Development of method for prediction by </em><em>energy-saturated extended technical objects </em><em>magnetic </em><em>silencing based on </em><em>magnetostatics geometric inverse problems solution and magnetic field spatial spheroidal harmonics calculated in</em><em> prolate </em><em>spheroidal coordinate system taking into account of technical objects magnetic characteristics uncertainties. </em><strong><em>Methodology. </em></strong><em>Spatial prolate sphe</em><em>roidal</em><em> harmonics of </em><em>extended technical objects</em><em> magnetic field model calculated as </em><em>magnetostatics geometric inverse problems </em><em>solution </em><em>in the form of</em><em> nonlinear minimax optimization problem based on near field measurements for prediction far </em><em>extended technical objects</em><em> magnetic field magnitude. Nonlinear objective function calculated as the weighted sum of squared residuals between the measured and predicted magnetic field COMSOL Multiphysics software package used. Nonlinear minimax optimization problems solutions calculated based on particle swarm nonlinear optimization algorithms. </em><strong><em>Results. </em></strong><em>Results of </em><em>prediction </em><em>extended technical objects</em><em> far magnetic field magnitude based on </em><em>extended technical objects</em><em> spatial prolate spher</em><em>oidal</em><em> harmonics of the magnetic field model</em><em> in t</em><em>he prolate sphe</em><em>roidal coordinate system</em><em> using near field measurements with consideration of </em><em>extended technical objects</em><em> magnetic characteristics uncertainty. </em><strong><em>Originality. </em></strong><em>T</em><em>he method for prediction by </em><em>extended technical objects</em><em> magnetic cleanliness base</em><em>d on spatial prolate spheroi</em><em>dal</em><em> harmonics of the magnetic field model</em><em> in th</em><em>e prolate sph</em><em>eroidal coordinate system</em> <em>with consideration of magnetic characteristics uncertainty is developed. </em><strong><em>Practical value. </em></strong><em>The important practical problem of prediction </em><em>extended technical objects</em><em> magnetic silencing based on the spatial prolate spheroi</em><em>dal</em><em> harmonics of the magnetic field model in the prolate sph</em><em>eroidal coordinate system </em><em>with consideration of </em><em>extended technical objects</em><em> magnetic characteristics uncertainty solved. </em>References 48, figures 2.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 B. I. Kuznetsov, A. S. Kutsenko, T. B. Nikitina, I. V. Bovdui, K. V. Chunikhin, V. V. Kolomiets Design and evaluation of a hybrid offshore wave energy converter and floating photovoltaic system for the region of Oran, Algeria 2024-08-05T16:06:33+03:00 R. Araria M. B. Guemmour K. Negadi A. Berkani F. Marignetti M. Bey <p><strong><em>Introduction. </em></strong><em>This paper presents <strong>the novel</strong> design and analysis of a hybrid renewable energy system that combines a wave energy converter (WEC) with a floating photovoltaic (FPV) system for offshore installation, with a specific focus on Oran as a case study. The purpose of integrating these two technologies is to harness both wave and solar energy, thereby maximizing energy output and enhancing the reliability of renewable energy sources in offshore environments. <strong>The goal </strong>of this study is to develop a hybrid system that leverages the complementary nature of WEC and FPV technologies to maximize energy output and improve reliability. By integrating these technologies, the system aims to overcome the limitations of standalone energy systems.</em> <strong><em>The methodology</em></strong> <em>includes selecting suitable WEC and FPV technologies, optimizing their configurations, and analyzing their combined performance under various environmental conditions. To assess the energy production potential, structural stability, and economic feasibility of the hybrid system, computational simulations and data analysis are employed. This comprehensive approach ensures rigorous testing and optimization for real-world applications. <strong>The results</strong></em> <em>demonstrate substantial improvements in energy yield and system resilience compared to standalone WEC or FPV systems. The hybrid system shows enhanced performance, particularly in consistent energy output and structural robustness. These findings indicate that combining WEC and FPV technologies can lead to more reliable and efficient offshore renewable energy solutions. <strong>The practical </strong><strong>values</strong> are significant, providing insights into efficient and sustainable offshore renewable energy solutions. By focusing on Oran, it offers a localized perspective that can be adapted to similar coastal areas globally, contributing to the advancement of renewable energy technologies. The hybrid system’s enhanced reliability and efficiency support the broader goal of sustainable energy development in marine environments, highlighting its potential for widespread application and impact.</em> References 23, tables 4, figures 17.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 R. Araria, M. B. Guemmour, K. Negadi, A. Berkani, F. Marignetti, M. Bey An application of multi-magnetic circular planar spiral relay to improve the performance of wireless power transfer system 2024-03-28T15:24:57+02:00 M. Irwanto L. K. W. Kita <p><strong><em>Introduction. </em></strong><em>The system of delivering electricity without wires is known as wireless power transfer (WPT). The WPT system has been extensively used in a number of industries, health, telecommunications, and transportation. However, the distance between the transmitter and receiver coils has a significant impact on its efficiency. Lower power can be generated between coils the farther apart they are, and vice versa.</em> <strong><em>The novelty </em></strong><em>of the proposed work is innovative in that it develops a multi-magnetic circular planar spiral relay to improve the WPT system’s performance and designs circular planar spiral coils to achieve an appropriate inductance value for the 5 kHz matching frequency.</em> <strong><em>The goal </em></strong><em>of paper is to create a circular planar spiral coil with an appropriate inductance value for the 5 kHz matching frequency. <strong>Methods. </strong>The transmitter circuit, receiver circuit, and DC voltage source are parts of the WPT system. The inverter circuit uses the inductive coupling technique to transform the DC power source into AC voltage on the transmitter coil. The suggested coil is additionally employed as a multi-magnetic circular planar spiral relay in order to increase the mutual inductance between the receiver and transmitter coils.<strong> Results. </strong>To monitor the power improvement that results from adding a multi-magnetic relay to the system, the transmitter coil, receiver coil, and multi-magnetic relay are positioned at specific distances from each other. With V<sub>dc</sub> = 30 V and d<sub>tr</sub> = 21 cm, the power received at the receiver coil can therefore be improved by up to 67 %. <strong>Practical value.</strong></em> <em>The multi-magnetic circular planar spiral relay applied in the WPT system has been investigated in an experimental study and it can be applied for DC load. </em>References 26, table 1, figure 18.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Irwanto, L. K. W. Kita Research for an enhanced fault-tolerant solution against the current sensor fault types in induction motor drives 2024-05-14T20:32:47+03:00 C. D. Tran M. Kuchar P. D. Nguyen <p><strong><em>Introduction.</em></strong> <em>Recently, three-phase induction motor drives have been widely used in industrial applications; however, the feedback signal failures of current sensors can seriously degrade the operation performance of the entire drive system. Therefore, the motor drives require a proper solution to prevent current sensor faults and improve the reliability of the motor drive systems.<strong> The novelty </strong>of the proposed research</em> <em>includes integrating the current sensor fault-tolerant control (FTC) function according to enhanced technique into the field-oriented control loop for speed control of the motor drive system. <strong>Purpose. </strong>This research proposes a hybrid method involving a third difference operator and signal comparison algorithm to diagnose various types of current sensor faults as a positive solution to enhance the stability of the induction motor drive system. <strong>Methods.</strong> A hybrid method involving a third difference operator for the measured speed signals and a comparison algorithm between measured and estimated current signals are proposed to diagnose the current sensors’ health status in the fault-tolerant process. After determining the faulty sensor, the estimated current signals based on the Luenberger observer are used immediately to replace the defective sensor signal. <strong>Results. </strong>The current sensor is simulated with various failure types, from standard to rare failures, to evaluate the performance of the FTC method implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. Simultaneously, a fault flag corresponding to a defective sensor should be presented as an indicator to execute the repair process for faulty sensors at the proper time. <strong>Practical value.</strong></em> <em>Positive results have proven the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed FTC integrated into the speed controller to improve reliability and ensure the stable operation of the induction motor drive system even under current sensor fault conditions. </em>References 29, tables 3, figures 10.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 C. D. Tran, M. Kuchar, P. D. Nguyen Improving the efficiency of a non-ideal grid coupled to a photovoltaic system with a shunt active power filter using a self-tuning filter and a predictive current controller 2024-04-06T17:08:28+03:00 A. Zorig B. Babes N. Hamouda S. Mouassa <p><strong><em>Introduction.</em></strong><em> Recently, photovoltaic (PV) systems are increasingly favored for converting solar energy into electricity. PV power systems have successfully evolved from small, standalone installations to large-scale, grid-connected systems. When the nonlinear loads are connected to a grid-tied PV system, the power quality can deteriorate due to the active power supplied by the PV array, there’s a noticeable decline in the quality of power delivered to consumers. Its combination with the shunt active power filter (SAPF) enhances system efficiency. Consequently, this integrated system is adept at not only powering local loads but also at compensating for reactive power and filtering out harmonic currents from the main grid. The<strong> novelty</strong> of the work describes how an operation of a small scale PV system connected to the low voltage distribution system, and nonlinear load can be achieved, the investigation aims to analyze the system’s behavior and elucidate the advantages of employing various control algorithms. These proposed algorithms are designed to ensure a unity power factor for the utility grid while prioritizing high convergence speed and robustness against load power fluctuations across different levels of solar irradiation affecting the PV modules. The <strong>purpose</strong> of this work is to enhance the dynamic performance of the SAPF by cooperatively using a self-tuning filter (STF) based instantaneous active and reactive power method (PQ) with a novel predictive current control, enhance the system resilience, ensure optimal management of the total active power between the PV system, the electrical network and the non-linear load by integrating</em> <em>the functionalities of the SAPF under different levels of solar irradiation and maintain the DC-link capacitor voltage constant. <strong>Methods</strong>. A novel predictive current controller is designed to generate the switching signals piloted the three phase source voltage inverter, also a novel algorithm of instantaneous active and reactive power is developed, based on STF, to extract accurately the harmonic reference under non ideal grid voltage, also the perturb and observe algorithm is used to extract, under step change of solar irradiation, the maximum power point tracking of the PV module and the PI controller is used to maintain constant the DC-link capacitor voltage of the SAPF. <strong>Results.</strong> The efficacy of the proposed system is primarily centered on the grid side, and the performance evaluation of the control system is conducted using the STF based PQ algorithm and predictive current control. In addition, comprehensive testing encompasses all modes of operation, including scenarios involving distorted voltage sources, step changes in solar radiation, and variations in nonlinear loads. Results highlight superior performance in both transient and stable states, affirming the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed controllers. <strong>Practical value</strong>. The total harmonic distortion value of the grid current for all tests respects the IEEE Standard 519-1992. </em>References 21, tables 7, figures 25.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A. Zorig, N. Hamouda, B. Babes, S. Mouassa Frequency experimental identification approach for single-phase induction motor common-mode parameters 2024-03-10T11:06:25+02:00 Y. Hakmi H. Miloudi M. Miloudi A. Gourbi M. H. Bermaki <p><strong><em>Introduction. </em></strong><em>The presence of broad-spectrum and high-amplitude electromagnetic interference (EMI) within a single-phase induction motor (SPIM) drive poses a significant threat to both the system and other electronic equipment. High-frequency (HF) models of electrical motors play a critical role in overcoming these challenges, as they are essential for characterizing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in drives and designing effective EMI filters. <strong>The novelty</strong> of this study proposes an enhanced HF motor model based on transfer functions (TFs) to accurately represent the motor’s behavior at HFs for frequency-domain analyses in the range of 100 Hz to 30 MHz. <strong>Purpose.</strong> The equivalent HF model for a SPIM is discussed in this paper. The suggested equivalent circuit describes a motor’s common-mode (CM) properties. <strong>Methodology.</strong> HF model was developed by a frequency-domain analysis utilizing an experimental setup and MATLAB software. The motor impedance analysis is based on the measurement of variations in motor characteristics as a function of frequency in the CM </em><em>setup.<strong> Originality. </strong>TF has been tuned using an asymptotic identification method of Bode to match the behavior of the real impedances of the motor parameters as a function of the frequency in the CM configuration</em><em>. </em><em>This tuned TFs are then synthesized into a comprehensive wideband EMC equivalent circuit model using the Foster network technique, which can be then simulated in any Spice-based simulator </em><em>tools.<strong> Results.</strong> The proposed mathematical model was employed to conduct simulations, and the resulting predictions were validated against experimental data. </em><em>CM response of the EMC equivalent circuit at low, medium, and HFs were compared between simulations and experimental measurements using Lt-Spice simulator software. <strong>Practical value.</strong> It is observed that results show satisfactory agreement with the measurements over a large frequency bandwidth [100 Hz–30 MHz], and the equivalent model of SPIM can be cascaded with other electronic and electrical modules to form a complete single-phase electric drive system model for fast analysis and prediction of system level EMI and electromagnetic sensitivity.</em> References 37, table 5, figures 13.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Y. Hakmi, H. Miloudi, M. Miloudi, A. Gourbi, M. H. Bermaki Analytical relations for fields and currents in magnetic-pulsed «expansion» of tubular conductors of small diameter 2024-10-09T23:36:41+03:00 Yu. V. Batygin T. V. Gavrilova S. O. Shinderuk E. O. Chaplygin <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong><em> This work was initiated by the problems of cardiovascular diseases, which are one of the main causes of mortality of the population of our planet. More than ten years ago, in 2012, approximately 3.7 million people died of acute coronary syndrome worldwide. The fight against such pathologies is carried out with the help of so-called stents, the manufacture of which can be carried out by the method of magnetic pulse «expansion» from hollow metal cylinders. The limited production possibilities of magnetic pulse «expansion» were caused by the minimum cross-sectional size of the inductor-instrument, which can be practically manufactured. Other tools are required to perform this operation. <strong>Novelty.</strong> A system of magnetic-pulse expansion of thin-walled pipes of small diameter with an inductor that excites an azimuthal electromagnetic field in the case of direct current passing through the processing object and in the absence of its connection in an electric circuit with an inductor is proposed. <strong>Purpose. </strong></em><em>The main analytical dependencies for the characteristics of the electromagnetic processes taking place in the inductor systems for the expansion of cylindrical conductive pipes of small diameter when direct passage of current through the processed object and when it is not connected to an electric circuit with an inductor (insulated billet) is derived. <strong>Methods.</strong> The solution of the boundary value problem with given boundary conditions was carried out by applying Laplace transforms and integrating Maxwell’s equations.<strong> Results</strong>. Analytical expressions were obtained for the main characteristics of the processes: the intensities of the excited electromagnetic fields and currents in the system depending on the parameters of the studied systems. The analysis of possible technical schemes for solving the given problem indicated the choice of the optimal variant of an effective system of magnetic-pulse «stretching» of thin-walled cylindrical conductors of small diameter. <strong>Practical value.</strong> Based on the qualitative analysis of the obtained results, recommendations for the practical implementation of the proposed system were formulated. The obtained dependences allow us to give numerical estimates of the effectiveness of excitation of magnetic pressure forces on the object of processing and to choose directions for further improvement of the magnetic pulse technology for solving such problems. </em>References 23, figures 2.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yu. V. Batygin, T. V. Gavrilova, S. O. Shinderuk, E. O. Chaplygin Spectral and optic-metric methods of monitoring parameters of plasma channels caused by discharge currents between metals granules in working liquids 2024-03-19T21:33:30+02:00 N. A. Shydlovska S. M. Zakharchenko M. F. Zakharchenko M. A. Kulida S. A. Zakusilo <p><strong><em>Introduction.</em></strong><em> Spark-erosion processing of metals and alloys granules in working liquids is the basis of a several technological processes. Efficiency of energy use in them and parameters of the resulting product largely depend on the accuracy of stabilization and regulation of pulse power in each plasma channel between the granules. To achieve this, until now only the voltage and current of the discharge pulses in the entire layer of granules have been controlled. <strong>Problem.</strong> The measurement methods, which are used, are not effective enough for monitoring the parameters of individual plasma channels and predicting the size distribution of eroded metals particles at the stage of their formation. The <strong>aim</strong> of the work is to develop a method for determining the volumes of components of plasma channels in layers of metals granules during their spark-erosion treatment to predict the size distribution of eroded metal particles at the stage of their formation, as well as to simplify the method of spectrometric analysis of the elemental composition of substances surrounding plasma channels for the operational prediction of the chemical composition of resulting products. <strong>Methodology.</strong> A series of experiments were carried out on spark-erosion processing of Al and Ag granules layers in distilled water. Using a digital camera, images of the plasma channels in them were obtained. Based on the theory of pulsed electrical breakdown of liquid dielectrics, an analysis of the components of plasma channels was carried out. Using the specialized ToupView program, the volumes of equivalent ellipsoids of rotation were determined, approximating the halos of colored radiation likely arising from streamers, as well as the spark cores of plasma channels emitting white light. The shades of the resulting radiation were studied for several metals and working liquids. The obtained data were compared with the known results of spectrometric studies for the same elements excited by similar mechanisms. <strong>Results.</strong> The theory of discharge-pulse systems for spark-erosion processing of granular conductive media has been developed in the direction of new methods for monitoring the parameters of discharge pulses and predicting the chemical composition and size distribution parameters of eroded metal particles at the stage of their production. An optic-metric method has been developed for determining the volumes of halos and cores of plasma channels. A simplified spectral method for determining the chemical composition of erosion particles based on the shade of the resulting radiation was proposed. <strong>Originality.</strong> The developed new optic-metric method makes it possible to obtain information about almost every plasma channel, which refines predictions of the size distribution of erosion particles. To implement the method, general-purpose hardware and specialized software that is freely available are used. The developed method of simplified spectral analysis of excited atoms makes it possible to make preliminary predictions of the chemical composition of the obtained erosion particles already at the stage of their formation without the use of expensive specialized equipment. <strong>Practical significance.</strong> The ratio of the volumes of halos and cores of plasma channels between Al and Ag granules in distilled water was measured. An analysis of the emission spectra of plasma channel halos between Al, Ag and Cu granules in distilled water, Fe in ethyl alcohol, Ni-Mn-Ga and Ti-Zr-Ni alloys in liquid nitrogen, and Ti-Zr-Ni in liquid argon was carried out. Based on spectrometry data, the resulting shades of these radiations were substantiated and their description in the RGB system is given. </em>References 56, table 1, figures 4.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 N. A. Shydlovska, S. M. Zakharchenko, M. F. Zakharchenko, M. A. Kulida, S. A. Zakusilo Design optimization for enhancing performances of integrated planar inductor for power electronics applications 2024-05-19T20:06:15+03:00 M. Si Ahmed Y. Guettaf A. Mokaddem A. Mokhefi A. Hamid P. Spiteri F. Z. Medjaoui <p><strong><em>Goal.</em></strong><em> In this work, the performance of an integrated planar inductor with a square geometric shape using different materials for the substrate: Ni-Fe, Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn have been analyzed and investigated in order to assess the impact of the substrate material on the performance of the integrated planar inductor and to determine the optimal material in the various applications of power modules in power electronics. <strong>Methods</strong>. To this end, we carried out an in-depth analysis of the geometric dimensions of the integrated planar inductor, by calculating all the geometric parameters of the proposed structure, to establish an equivalent physical model of the integrated planar inductor in order to evaluate its different electrical specifications. The numerical simulation, based on the three-dimensional mathematical model of the system using Maxwell’s equations, was realized by COMSOL Multiphysics software. <strong>Results</strong> show the importance of the substrate material for the performance of the integrated planar inductor, and specify that the use of Ni-Fe ferrite as a substrate of the integrated planar inductor gives very interesting performance compared to other materials studied. The presented results provide valuable information on the influence of substrate material on the performance of embedded integrated planar inductor and can help to design and optimize these components for use in power electronic systems. <strong>Practical value.</strong> These results are significant for a wide range of applications, where the integrated planar inductor performance and efficiency can have a significant impact on the overall performance and cost-effectiveness of the power electronic device. </em>References 37, tables 2, figures 7.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Si Ahmed, Y. Guettef, A. Mokaddem, A. Mokhefi, A. Hamid, P. Spiteri, F. Z. Medjaoui