


arc furnace, Simulink computer model, power supply system, automatic control system, electric mode, regulator, dynamic current-voltage arc characteristic, electromechanical circuit


Goal. The purpose of the article is the creation of a three-phase instantaneous coordinates Simulink computer model of the power supply and automatic coordinates control system (ACS) of the DSP-200 type arc furnace electric mode (EM). The model has a convenient interface for changing the structure and parameters of the three-phase arcs power supply system, the structure and laws of the electric mode control system, as well as the stochastic characteristics of parametric and coordinate disturbances. Method. The provisions of the electric circuits theory, experimental study and mathematical and computer simulation in the Simulink system of the MatLAB computing environment were used for the research. Results. A high-precision instantaneous coordinates Simulink-model of the power supply system and electric mode coordinates ACS of the ER DSP-200 furnace was created. This model was used to study the EM and evaluate the performance of the arc furnace during various technological melting periods and with various structures of the automatic control system. Scientific novelty. For the first time, based on a combination of Simulink application library elements and SimPowerSystems standard library blocks of the MatLAB environment a complete high-precision three-phase instantaneous coordinate model of arc furnace DSP-200 power supply system and EM ACS was developed. The developed model has significant advantages in accuracy, performance and features compared to existing ones. Practical value. Possibility to run on the created Simulink-model mathematical experiments on the research of the electric mode coordinates control dynamic indices and electromagnetic compatibility indices of the electric arc furnace and the supply network under the influence of the deterministic and random perturbations.


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How to Cite

Lozynskyi, O. Y., Paranchuk, Y. S., Paranchuk, R. Y., & Matico, F. D. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS AND MEANS OF COMPUTER SIMULATION FOR STUDYING ARC FURNACE ELECTRIC MODES. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, (3), 28–36.



Electrotechnical complexes and Systems